AI is inevitable. How we choose to use it is up to us. Artists can see it as a threat or as a challenge - think about how fine art has changed since the discovery of the camera. It creates a space for a new form of art. We will always value what appeals to us, and if that is hand drawn art then it will survive. There may be other artistic modalities, ways of telling stories, ways of being soul-full. The ai generated images lack soul, to me anyway. But many don’t see that. I also dislike their claim to the rights of the images - imaging seeing your ai generated face on an advert for yoghurt? Well they said they’d use it however they wanted to. That’s where I have issue.

If neurolink helps paraplegics move their limbs again, I’m for it. But you have a point about animal ethics. My friend had laser surgery and now he can see clearly again. There is a place for technology - and there also is a place where it overreaches. It’s a fine line.

Remember, science fiction, particularly the work of Philip K Dick, and Asimov has much material around this very topic. The evolution of ai has accelerated and the possibility of an ai takeover seems to be coming at a faster rate than ever before.

Thanks for the great post Katie. We need to keep talking and stay grounded in it all.

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