If you have been feeling overwhelmed by social media and the speed at which digital life and the platforms we use have evolved over the past couple of years, you are not alone.

Social Media for a New Age by Katie Brockhurst is here to help you explore the world of social media, and to be present with what's happening in this rapidly changing world.

Providing you with insights, tools and resources to help you make sense of it, so you can shift your time, attention and energy.

Subscribing to these articles is a great way for anyone who wants to use social media positively and responsibly and not be overwhelmed by the negativity.

If you're looking for a new way to approach your relationship to digital culture and business on social media at this time on planet Earth, sign up to receive something around each full and new moon.

Subscribe to Social Media For A New Age

Curious about how social media is affecting you? I'm exploring the role it plays in our lives & businesses, how we untangle ourselves from big tech and destress.


Sent to help navigate social media in a way that feels good for you & your nervous system… Katie is an award-winning content creator, author and experienced social media manager ~ consultant ~ coach.