Brilliant Katie - I feel we are always vibing the same vibe ... I actually turned my phone off for 8 days over Easter - I normally turn my SM apps off but notice that I will then start seeking for other things and I'm pretty controlled and aware of myself, and still it hooks me! - over the past 10 years I've encouraged people to have phone free Fridays - but it falls on deaf ears ... I think you have a remarkable ability to speak this and people will listen

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This post resonates so powerfully for me as I have had similar conversations, thoughts and feelings about social media and how I am impacted by the dopamine hit. It is really giving me pause for thought about how I engage with social media, what I put out there and the possibility of social media for real connection and how I can not only awaken from this trance but how I can use social media to be of service. Thank you for writing this. It was lovely to take my time, slow down and really read the words, rather than mindlessly scrolling through.

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Powerful! I was pondering on the eclipse this morning and how millions of people came out to enjoy this natural phenomena, and the media show that accompanied it. I believe we are desperate for deeper connection with the world around us but we are also pulled into the digital world where everything is so showy. Even just witnessing the live broadcast of the eclipse made me feel like I was watching an entertainment show with the correspondences needing to hype it up rather than witnessing something so deep and profound that needs stillness and spaciousness and going inward to reconnect and remember our place in this universe. We are not separate from nature. We are nature.

As weird and showy the whole thing was, it showed me that people have not forgotten their connection to the universe. They've simply disconnected. And that connection can be reclaimed. I think we are ready for it. We are desperate for it.

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Apr 9Liked by Katie Brockhurst

Thank you Katie for reading my mind and writing what's been on my mind for the last couple of years now... What are we doing? And what are we to do?

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This resonates so deeply for me at this time. In chatting with friends who also rely on social media marketing for work, we are all feeling the same. There has to be another way…! Thank you for your dedication to your work and for sharing so honestly, in such a beautiful way. All my love 💜

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