Sorry to hear of the loss of your dad Katie

I resonate with much you say about the socials. I’ve been struck over and over by the overwhelm of knowing so much about so many - this relationship breakdown, this holiday, these kids exam results, deeply saddening photos of war and totally random ads as well - all in the space of maybe 10 mins - very indigestible!

My neurodiverse young person is REALLY

struggling with this and FB and IG have a marked effect on his mental health causing shouty meltdowns. His phone is currently hidden in an undisclosed location.

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I have had a summer of playtime… I needed it. Social media received very little attention with only some scattered IG posts … dotted about.

I have not missed it. Then again I don’t have a big desire to scroll ( I get bored easily - lets be honest it is a sea of performers most of the time and I don’t feel the need to be entertained)

I am sorry for your loss of your dear papa… grief requires a little ‘ solitude’ just so you can feel every shitty emotion and connect to lost memories. You certainly didn’t need to doom scroll and numb out this precious healing moment.

as for your holiday ( again somethings are just for us to experience) - I have an amazing picture of me snorkling in the Cayman Islands ( nobody as seen it : its just for me - my moment)

with love …

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